Dear Captivated Audience,
May I first apologize for my hiatus from blogging. I have missed it, but I am going to try to get back into the swing of things. Now that my summer classes have come to an end, some of the free time is back. One part of my Practicum class has been for us to blog about our experiences, so my blogging mind was completely focused on that task. Blogging about the professional side of higher education institutions is NOT as much fun as shootin the breeze on my own personal one, so I AM BACK to do just that.
I hope you will all enjoy this read. It's nothing fancy.
Summertime in Mississippi equals 5 things:
1) It is useless for me to straighten my hair. Even if there's zero chance of rain, there's still 250% humidity. This equals curly hair. No ifs, ands, or buts.
2) I get mad about having to wear work clothes. There is nothing worse than trying to dress professionally when it is 110 degrees outside with a heat index of "hot as Hades". There should be a statement in my graduate assistant contract that says I can wear shorts to work when the head goes past 95. It should be a public safety announcement. Idea: put it in the workman's comp contract. If I ever make it to the administrative level, we are instating that.
3) I hate my car. Although I am a stickler about having leather seats in my vehicle, they are literally products of the devil in the summer. It's amazing that I haven't gone to the hospital with third degree burns on the backside of my legs. The palms of my hands are also at risk. Darn steering wheel. Note to self: Invest in one of those aluminum foil looking things that you sit on the dash during the day...or hire a personal chauffeur, whichever comes first.
4) An overabundance of bathing suit pictures. Ok, I get it Miss 120-soaking-wet-too-tan-no-work-beach-bum-girl. You aren't taking class. You don't have to go to work. Your parents can supply you with endless funds. I understand. I, and I'm sure the rest of the world, just wish you wouldn't rub it in our faces. Not all of us can just pick up and leave for the coast whenever we want to. We don't care about looking at your perfectly pedicured toes on a beach with the ocean line behind them. Nor does anybody care about the fact that you have every Victoria Secret bathing suit known to man. I'm sure that VS is looking for a new swim suit model for their next catalog. They could probably save a lot of money by simply "copying and pasting" your entire Facebook album. They'd be set.

5) A lot of online shopping. Let's face it, shopping just isn't any fun when it's so hot. And I'm beginning to become more of a fan of online shopping anyways. I can do it from my phone, my computer, my e-mail. I'm not addicted, but I do enjoy "window shopping" aka browsing aka perusing through clothes, art, and books throughout the day. Recently I have made purchases for myself, my boo (his birthday is in 2 weeks...justifiable), and myself. I mean, I really needed those maroon jeggings (DKNY), and those pajamas (, and that piece of artwork ( Give me a break. I got paid, and was tired of spending it on groceries and bills.

I know I vented a little on #4, but c'mon people. I know you've seen this girl, and you have thought to yourself "Huh. Must be nice". Mmm Hmm...
Okay, well I am going back to work now. I needed a mental break from the e-mailing.
Until Next Time,