Good Afternoon to my captivated audience. I hope my Mississippians have been keeping dry in this crazy weather. Sunshine in the morning, thunderstorms in the afternoon. Home sweet home.
I have filled my day with mindless activities like reacquainting myself with Pinterest, catching up with the lives of my friends on Facebook, and testing my quizzical skills on Sporcle. Because of an on-campus conference, my practicum site has been super quiet today. Half of the staff is helping with the conference, so I am just enjoying this time to myself. I should be working on a research proposal like I had planned, but what's the fun in that? Absolutely nothing.

What in the world did we do before the World Wide Web? Furthermore, what did people use the WWW for before social networks and sites like Pinterest or Etsy? How did we get anything accomplished? My colleague, Beth, and I have been having this conversation this afternoon. It's amazing that we ever came up with a single creative idea on our own since we can now type a keyword into a search bar and POOF 100+ ideas pop up at once on command. Ideas that seem so much better than yours. Ideas that must come from professionals. You mean you can make 7 layered taco dip and indulge all you want to since the entire thing is only 200 calories? Oh my gosh!! Why didn't
I think of that? But hold the phone, is that a home-made-antique-door-turned-into-a-headboard-slash-picture-frame? You've got to be kidding me. That's fantastic. Type, type, scroll, scroll. Mercy me, what's this I see? A picture of a piece of jewelry that I'll never be able to afford. REPIN to "If Only I Was Rich" board.
I would like to think that my female followers, at least, would get where I'm coming from. Crafty sites are addicting, but let's get serious...when in the world are we going to have time to drop everything we're doing so we can build a bookcase out of wine corks or fashion a hair bow out of real dove feathers. Cheaper than buying them? Maybe. Recipes with less calories? Perhaps. Worth all the trouble it takes? Doubtful. Fun to fantasize about? HECK YEAH.
Now that I've spoken my piece about the addicting world of crafty sites, I'm going back to pinning. Gotta have plenty of ideas for my wedding, future children, house, pets, and fashion. Another obsession? Someecards. Proof below.
Ta Ta!
So glad we got to catch up today! Thank God for Facebook chat :)