Monday, April 23, 2012

The Home Stretch

Ah. It feels good to be back to the old blog. I have brushed the dust off of the old keyboard, powered up the old laptop, and have cracked the old knuckles in preparation for this. It's been a while, folks. A good long while. And I will not be using this post as a "this is what I have been doing for the past 2 months" recap. I'll spare you all. What I will use this post to do is to convey my excitement as the end of another semester of graduate school draws near. Words alone cannot do this excitement justice. Unless you have been through the Student Affairs program at Mississippi State and survived the Administration course then you won't know exactly what I'm talking about, but I do feel like we have all, in our own right, had those classes that we were already looking forward to the end before the syllabus had been passed out on the first day. I remember how hard I thought high school and undergraduate classes were. They were mere child's play compared to this doozy. Yes, I have learned a lot. Yes, I have enjoyed every single classmate/friend/colleague in the class. Yes, I am confident in my ability to write in APA format (6th edition, 2nd printing) without consulting the manual. Yes, I am glad that tomorrow marks our last day in class.

Can I get an AMEN from the audience for this spring semester being over? I know that any students or teachers that read this are shouting AMEN at the top of their lungs right now. (Except maybe you Secondary or Elementary teachers...y'all still have a month or more left. Sorry. SIKE!)

The home stretch. You know what that means to me? It means that a week from now I will have the opportunity to STRETCH out on my couch at HOME for a few weeks without a worry or care from school. I do not begin my summer classes until June and that is so very nice. I get to spend quality time with my sibling/roommate, my boo thing/boyfriend, my family, and my friends. I'm thinking of making a few day trips to visit long lost friends so if you want me to visit, hit me up on the Facebook or the Twitter. We'll hang out. When thinking of summertime, one song comes to mind. Remember this one?

Wedding season will begin next month, and I know you are all looking forward to the posts that result from those experiences. I assure you all that I will do a much better job of updating you all on my life. It's so riveting and full of drama. They really should give me my own TV show or series. Maybe a talk show? I mean, now that the big O is off the primetime set and has her OWN channel (you see what I did there?) maybe I could slide right in a fill that spot. I'll bring back the glitz and glamour from the days of Sally Jesse Raphael, Ricki Lake, and Tyra Banks (!?!). Ok, that last one was a stretch, but you see where I'm going with this. I can picture it now. Ellen has already claimed the pre-show dancing, so I'll have to come up with something else. Maybe Collins Crowd Karaoke Challenge? It could work...just go with me on this. Anyone with any thoughts on how to make this dream a reality can contact me anytime.

Talk Show Idols <--Click here to see a list of greatness.

So...I got a little off track there. It happens. It's a blog, right? That's what it's for. Y'all know I've been away from the blogging world for a while. Blame that on my work and school schedule, my social agenda, my boyfriend, and, of course, NETFLIX. Oh. My. Gosh. Can you say ADDICTED?? I have literally memorized nearly every movie or TV show listing on the main Netflix menu. I don't even have to scroll through it anymore. Every now and then "New Releases" will appear and throw me off my game, but most of the time I can rattle off every option on the main menu. Test me. I dare you. This weekend alone I watched "The Joneses", "Psycho", and several episodes of "Glee". Yes, I have started from the beginning. Don't judge me. I love them. I'm a closet Gleek. *confession*

Speaking of Netflix, I do believe I will crank up the old Wii and see what today's menu holds. Goodbye captivated audience. I'm glad to have made time for us this week. I will strive to do better in the future. Hopefully the summertime will bring a lot more blog-worthy experiences. (Fingers crossed).

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. yay! so glad that you're back to the blogging world. oh AND I'm really liking this talk show idea. It would make BOTH of our dreams come true. You can HOST and I can book celebs and come up with daily HOT TOPICS! perfectttt! ready for our skype date!
