Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ok Thursday

I have appropriately named today "Ok Thursday." This makes sense since tomorrow is "Good Friday" and for some parts of the world the day after Easter is "Better Monday." Unfortunately, us Mississippi State people do not have the privilege of recognizing "Better Monday." So in lieu of having to go back to school and work on Monday, I deem today "Ok Thursday."

Today has actually been better than just OK. I got up, went to work, finished all my work that I needed to, enjoyed time with my coworkers, came home to pack for the weekend over my lunch break, and then decided that I would just extend my lunch break until the end of the day. That's right, I got caught up in packing and decided to start my Easter break early. If we would've been super busy this afternoon I wouldn't have made this decision, but since we had 2 "no-shows" for campus tours I figured it was the perfect set-up to stay at home.

I have been super productive this afternoon. I am all packed and ready for the 4 day weekend. For some of you who haven't had the pleasure of traveling with me, then you won't understand how big of an accomplishment packing is for me. For those of you that have witnessed my excessive packing, then you will completely understand. For a 3 day/4 night weekend I have packed 2 duffle bags. I have 10 different outfits hanging up, and I have a large, plastic laundry bag full of shoes. Just shoes. I will also be taking home my laptop, Wii, an assortment of DVDs, and my book bag (in the event that I decide that I need to study). I hope Greg isn't bringing anything for the weekend because I don't think I will have enough trunk space.

Side note: Greg, my boyfriend for those of you who do not know, is meeting my ENTIRE family this weekend. God give him strength. I have to turn to one of my favorite movies for guidance in times like these:

When in doubt, turn to My Big Fat Greek Wedding. All questions can be answered.

In the spirit of Easter, I would like to share this fun link that was put on my Facebook timeline earlier today. It's scary, intriguing, disturbing, and seasonal all at the same time. *Warning: May not be suitable for all ages*

Happy Easter everybody!


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