So let me enlighten you, my captivated audience, on the newest developments in my life really quickly. I hope this won't bore you, but if you find yourself dozing off while reading this, please do yourself a favor and make sure not to drool on the keyboard. It's not good for computers to mingle with water or liquid of any form. Okay, on to the happenings of Jessica Brooke Mistletoe "Misty" Unique Collins...
I landed an internship with the MSU Career Center. It is required that students in our Masters program complete an internship before graduation, so that's what I'm doing. I was somewhat shocked to find out that my internship would consist of me actually teaching Career Planning, a freshman-leveled 3 hour lecture that is meant to provide students with the resources necessary for them to use when taking initiative of choosing a major or mapping out their career goals. In case you don't understand what I have just said to you, please take a moment and read the sentence again. I AM TEACHING A COLLEGE COURSE. I am in control of 20 poor souls every Tuesday and Thursday. They are mine to mold and develop. Look out kids, it's going to be an interesting ride!
Okay, so on top of the internship I am still performing my contractual tasks with my loving officemates in the Office of Admissions. I really have enjoyed going from one office to the next everyday. Things never get boring, I'll tell ya that. I am also taking a night class taught by Dr. Keith, the Director of the Union and Associate Dean of Students. I'm going to LOVE this class. Pumped about having him teach it as well. Our program needs some new faces teaching our classes. BADLY.
So that's what is going on in the professional and academic world of Dr. Coach. Mrs. Ms. Collins. On the personal side, my boyfriend and I will celebrate our 6 month anniversary in a few weeks. Where has the time gone? I feel like it was just yesterday when we met on that fateful day in Thompson Hall in front of the big, scary polar bear scene (MSU people may know what I'm talking about...if you don't, just continue reading and trust me that our meet-cute was epic). The fact that we have been together half of a year blows my mind. It makes me realize how swiftly the time passes. I need to pause every now and then and thank the Good Lord Above for all the many blessings that He has bestowed upon me this year. Wonderful family, fantastic roommate/sister, loving boyfriend, solid support system, and all of the other opportunities that have come my way recently.
Alright, now you are all caught up on my life. I have the apartment to myself while my sister is at church and my boyfriend is in class so I have taken the time to blog while I have a moment of silence. Any of my friends that are not in Starkville, please feel free to update me on your lives as well. Every semester comes and goes and so do my local friends. We all grow up, get jobs, and move away...but regardless of where we are, let's try to stay in touch. Deal?
In Maroon and White,
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