I have a few bones to pick with my landlord, and I'm sure most of you can relate on some level. I understand that there are certain quirks that come with every apartment or rental property, but in my case, these aren't necessarily inside my apartment. Three main issues come to mind and I am ready and willing to share them with you.
Number 1: Crepe Myrtles. OH. MY. GOSH. Can those trees smell any worse? What my landlords were thinking when they planted those around every corner, in front of every door, and in every free spot of mulch, I will never know. I'm not exactly thrilled that those plants weren't destroyed by the straight line winds we had today. I just need one solid hour with a chainsaw. Just one. I'm sure everyone in my apartment complex would thank me. Those trees smell like the inside of a sumo wrestler's "uniform" after a hard day's work. Can I get an amen? Yeah, I thought so.
Number 2: My neighbors. No, not the kind souls that live adjacent to me...the not-so-kind ones that live behind me. For some reason, my bedroom window is paper-thin. The window serves as the headboard for my bed, so I can quite literally hear everything that goes on outside. Lucky for me, or not-so-lucky, I can hear everything that anyone says in the back parking lot. Sometimes this serves as really good entertainment, but more often than not it bugs me to death. I understand that this is a college town, precious redneck angel, but must you remind everyone of how great your night at Cowbells was? It's 2:30am on a Wednesday. As jealous as I am of your prominent social agenda, I would really enjoy it if you'd not carry on a full-fledged conversation with your girlfriend or your buddies outside of your residence. These apartments are really nice. I don't understand what's keeping you outside. I'm an old woman compared to most people in the complex. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate having a good time, but if I stay up til 4:00 am listening to my idiot neighbors, there's a definite possibility that I'm not going to be able to fulfill my own social agenda in the days to come. Mamaw Collins needs her beauty and sanity sleep. You understand.
Number 3: Landscape Personnel. I would have to say that this tops all of the aforementioned issues. I'm this close to dialing the number to our landscape service and posing as the manager of all of our properties. I need to let them know that there have been countless complaints regarding the time of day in which our landscape maintenance occurs. It never fails that on the days I get to sleep (Saturdays, for example) our landscape crew deems that "blow off the parking lot day". REALLY!?! You have to blow all of the debris left by those disgusting Crepe Myrtles into one pile that will just blow back across the mulch and pavement with one gust of wind? And do you HAVE to perform this task before 8am? Is that entirely necessary? Can't you rake or sweep it up? Maybe something that doesn't make so much noise? I mean, my window is paper-thin for crying out loud. And I need my beauty and sanity sleep. Or if this practice must continue, must you begin your chores on my end of the complex? How about spicing things up for a change and beginning at the back? That way maybe the sun will be up before you reach my window. Oh, and while you're out there, Mr. Landscape Maintenance guy, could you do me a favor and be productive by taking an ax to that Crepe Myrtle? Not only does it smell to high heaven, but it also has a tendency to scratch on my window on gusty nights. Thanks. I'd really appreciate that. Oh, and also, there's a can of skoal that has been on my stoop for weeks now. If you don't mind, could you blow that off while you're disturbing my slumber? Yeah, I thought not. Maybe next time.
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
The College Movie Collection
It has come to my attention recently that I have a pretty impressive movie collection. Of course if you read my last post about the grocery list then you'd understand how most of them are acquired...the Wal-Mart 5 dollar bin. But on top of the countless "steals" that I have found in the bin, most of my movies date back to my childhood. Yes, I have a VCR and yes, it works just fine. I am proud to say that I own nearly every Disney movie and if I don't own it, I am still working on buying it. (Just ask my friend Drew...he bought me Mulan on VHS for my 24th birthday this past December).
So let's talk about a few of the movies that have defined my college experience besides the Disney ones.
First, there's Varsity Blues. The tale of the underdog. A small town high school football team where all the characters are played by adults. James Van Der Beek at his finest, ladies and gentlemen (movie-wise. that comment was not meant to take away from the awe-inspiring performances he had in Dawson's Creek...that's a whole other blog post just waiting to be written). I consider this movie a classic. It's a sports rendition of good vs. evil. It's the dream that every athlete has when performing under a ridiculous coach. Wouldn't it be nice if an uprising of 20 high school kids could cause a coach to quit during the middle of a game? Ah yes. It's not reality, but it's a great film. I'm still waiting on Tweeter to show up outside my apartment in a cop car. Dreaming big, I tell ya. Dreaming big.
Second, there's Mean Girls. This movie was quoted just today in the office. I don't know how you can be a female and not halfway idolize this movie...if only for the great one-liners. "Danny DeVito I love your work!" "Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's NEVER going to happen." "There's a 30% chance that it's already raining." This movie is a classic simply because it amplifies high school issues to the extreme, and for some reason (like "She's All That") I become enthralled in this fake life that nobody ever has. Thank you Tina Fey for the marvelous screenplay for this movie. For without it, most of my conversations would great one-liners.
Third, we have the Shawshank Redemption. So I've gone from 2 fake high school movies to a deep, serious movie. But hey, that's the beauty of a movie collection. Never have I loved watching two characters more than those portrayed by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Nothing makes two strangers best friends like years in prison. If you haven't seen this wonderful film, then it's high time that you did. I simply cannot be friends with anyone who hasn't seen it. Sorry. But seriously...go watch it. Now.
For the sake of time and space, I will simply name off a few of my other go-to movies. I don't care if you totally disagree 100% with me, but these are movies that I love and can most likely quote. Thought: I wonder how much of my brain is full of movie quotes and song lyrics. I bet that's the reason I have such a hard time filling my head with schoolwork.
Mrs. Doubtfire
Ace Ventura 1&2
Beauty Shop
Fried Green Tomatoes
Steel Magnolias
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
A League of Their Own
Wedding Crashers
Bridesmaids (recent addition to the list)
Shrek (1&2 because let's face it, they should've stopped with the second one)
Any Batman movie...I have them all
The Wizard of Oz
I'm tired of typing, so I'll spare you all about 300 more movies that I love, but based on these you should get the gist of what I like. Comedies for the most part. If anyone needs a movie date, just call.
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My entire childhood summed up into one picture |
So let's talk about a few of the movies that have defined my college experience besides the Disney ones.
First, there's Varsity Blues. The tale of the underdog. A small town high school football team where all the characters are played by adults. James Van Der Beek at his finest, ladies and gentlemen (movie-wise. that comment was not meant to take away from the awe-inspiring performances he had in Dawson's Creek...that's a whole other blog post just waiting to be written). I consider this movie a classic. It's a sports rendition of good vs. evil. It's the dream that every athlete has when performing under a ridiculous coach. Wouldn't it be nice if an uprising of 20 high school kids could cause a coach to quit during the middle of a game? Ah yes. It's not reality, but it's a great film. I'm still waiting on Tweeter to show up outside my apartment in a cop car. Dreaming big, I tell ya. Dreaming big.
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One day... |
Second, there's Mean Girls. This movie was quoted just today in the office. I don't know how you can be a female and not halfway idolize this movie...if only for the great one-liners. "Danny DeVito I love your work!" "Gretchen, stop trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's NEVER going to happen." "There's a 30% chance that it's already raining." This movie is a classic simply because it amplifies high school issues to the extreme, and for some reason (like "She's All That") I become enthralled in this fake life that nobody ever has. Thank you Tina Fey for the marvelous screenplay for this movie. For without it, most of my conversations would great one-liners.
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That is so fetch |
Third, we have the Shawshank Redemption. So I've gone from 2 fake high school movies to a deep, serious movie. But hey, that's the beauty of a movie collection. Never have I loved watching two characters more than those portrayed by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. Nothing makes two strangers best friends like years in prison. If you haven't seen this wonderful film, then it's high time that you did. I simply cannot be friends with anyone who hasn't seen it. Sorry. But seriously...go watch it. Now.
For the sake of time and space, I will simply name off a few of my other go-to movies. I don't care if you totally disagree 100% with me, but these are movies that I love and can most likely quote. Thought: I wonder how much of my brain is full of movie quotes and song lyrics. I bet that's the reason I have such a hard time filling my head with schoolwork.
Mrs. Doubtfire
Ace Ventura 1&2
Beauty Shop
Fried Green Tomatoes
Steel Magnolias
Diary of a Mad Black Woman
A League of Their Own
Wedding Crashers
Bridesmaids (recent addition to the list)
Shrek (1&2 because let's face it, they should've stopped with the second one)
Any Batman movie...I have them all
The Wizard of Oz
I'm tired of typing, so I'll spare you all about 300 more movies that I love, but based on these you should get the gist of what I like. Comedies for the most part. If anyone needs a movie date, just call.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The College Grocery List
Today's post comes a little later in the day. Why? Because I've spent the entire day at Dudy Noble Field. For those non-MSU people...it's our baseball field. And it is, hands down, the best place on Earth to spend a sunny day.
So onto today's topic: the college grocery list. It was brought to my attention when I returned to my apartment after the baseball game that my sister and I operate under a very limited set of groceries. There are staple items that we can always count on having at any given time: butter, Kraft singles, Easy Mac, Pop-Tarts, chips, Ritz crackers, Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (an assortment of types), a loaf of wheat bread, dry pasta, cereal (no milk), and lunch meat. We also keep the canned goods stocked: green beans, creamed corn, cream of mushroom soup, tuna, and Campbell's Select Harvest soups. Let's not forget about the items in the freezer: frozen orange juice, Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones, chicken, and tilapia. We like to buy fresh fruit, but let's face it, it doesn't last long. And who wants to make another trip to the grocery store just for bananas and grapes? Not this girl.
As you go through this list, you may be wondering how we even begin to put meals together. Well believe me, it takes some creativity. Our go-to meal is a turkey and ham panini with pesto and regular mustard with a side of chips. Next option? Grilled chicken with a side of Ready Rice or steamable veggies. Third option? Soup and Ritz crackers. Tonight I cooked the only option that we had available...breakfast. 2 biscuits, scrambled eggs, instant grits, and bacon. Not exactly what I was craving this evening, but when you have lunch meat with no bread or veggies with no chicken, it makes for slim pickings. I would really love a lesson in stocking a kitchen with essential items. I think Mandy and I are trapped in this world of microwavable or instant favorites. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On the days that we are unable to round up ingredients to make a meal we decide to cook is going to mean a trip to the grocery store.
What's the one thing that college students hate worse than 8:00 am classes? Going to the grocery store. Especially the black hole that is Wal-Mart. It doesn't matter if you go in with a list and a set budget or if you only take in a ten dollar bill...you're going to come out of that store with a bunch of stuff that you don't need. For example, Mandy and I will go in for make-up remover, shampoo, and toilet paper and come out with 3 movies from the 5 dollar bin, poster board for some project that isn't due for 2 months, and an 8 dollar pack of Sharpie pens in a variety of fun "80's" colors. I know y'all know what I'm talking about.
And as a side note, may I just say that I am the worst person to go grocery shopping with because I will always choose the slowest cashier line. I always go to the shortest line with good intentions of being out of that store more quickly than everyone else...but OH NO. For whatever reason, I think there's a conspiracy against me. I believe that all cashiers on the face of this planet have formed this pact to slow down significantly when they see me coming. Or better yet, they have to price check 4 out of the 8 items that the woman has in her cart. OR, my personal favorite, they have to pick a fight with the lady in front of me about her coupons and how they don't stack coupons or they don't take Kroger coupons or how those aren't the right type of hot dogs for this coupon. Ridiculous. It wears me out. And actually, let's go ahead and add that lady in front of me to the conspiracy because I know she looks at me and decides at that very minute that she is going to either try to swipe a credit card that is so old the machine won't read it or she's going to pay for her entire grocery bill in coins. This process can be especially fun to watch, considering she doesn't have a coin pouch or anything. Oh no, this lady will plop her large purse onto that small area where you used to write your checks (y'all know what I'm talking about, so don't act like you don't) and dig around for that 78 cents that she has come up short on. She will keep pointing out to the cashier that she just KNOWS she's got 78 cents somewhere. After five minutes of being shoulder-deep in this luggage of a purse, she finally comes up with the change. By this point, everyone in line except for me has moved on and has now exited the building. I swear, if it were not for those elderly Wal-Mart greeters, I'd leave mad every time. Thank God for them.
So what can we take away from today's post? Never come over to Brooke and Mandy's house unannounced if you're planning on having something substantial or made from scratch without informing them well in advance, and NEVER go grocery shopping with me. For I am the world's worst at getting in and getting out in a timely manner.
If anyone would like to brave the black hole that is the grocery store, I'll be going to restock the Easy Mac, milk, and Lean Cuisines. See you there. Happy Shopping!
So onto today's topic: the college grocery list. It was brought to my attention when I returned to my apartment after the baseball game that my sister and I operate under a very limited set of groceries. There are staple items that we can always count on having at any given time: butter, Kraft singles, Easy Mac, Pop-Tarts, chips, Ritz crackers, Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (an assortment of types), a loaf of wheat bread, dry pasta, cereal (no milk), and lunch meat. We also keep the canned goods stocked: green beans, creamed corn, cream of mushroom soup, tuna, and Campbell's Select Harvest soups. Let's not forget about the items in the freezer: frozen orange juice, Lean Cuisines, Smart Ones, chicken, and tilapia. We like to buy fresh fruit, but let's face it, it doesn't last long. And who wants to make another trip to the grocery store just for bananas and grapes? Not this girl.
As you go through this list, you may be wondering how we even begin to put meals together. Well believe me, it takes some creativity. Our go-to meal is a turkey and ham panini with pesto and regular mustard with a side of chips. Next option? Grilled chicken with a side of Ready Rice or steamable veggies. Third option? Soup and Ritz crackers. Tonight I cooked the only option that we had available...breakfast. 2 biscuits, scrambled eggs, instant grits, and bacon. Not exactly what I was craving this evening, but when you have lunch meat with no bread or veggies with no chicken, it makes for slim pickings. I would really love a lesson in stocking a kitchen with essential items. I think Mandy and I are trapped in this world of microwavable or instant favorites. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Collins' Favorite Panini |
What's the one thing that college students hate worse than 8:00 am classes? Going to the grocery store. Especially the black hole that is Wal-Mart. It doesn't matter if you go in with a list and a set budget or if you only take in a ten dollar bill...you're going to come out of that store with a bunch of stuff that you don't need. For example, Mandy and I will go in for make-up remover, shampoo, and toilet paper and come out with 3 movies from the 5 dollar bin, poster board for some project that isn't due for 2 months, and an 8 dollar pack of Sharpie pens in a variety of fun "80's" colors. I know y'all know what I'm talking about.
And as a side note, may I just say that I am the worst person to go grocery shopping with because I will always choose the slowest cashier line. I always go to the shortest line with good intentions of being out of that store more quickly than everyone else...but OH NO. For whatever reason, I think there's a conspiracy against me. I believe that all cashiers on the face of this planet have formed this pact to slow down significantly when they see me coming. Or better yet, they have to price check 4 out of the 8 items that the woman has in her cart. OR, my personal favorite, they have to pick a fight with the lady in front of me about her coupons and how they don't stack coupons or they don't take Kroger coupons or how those aren't the right type of hot dogs for this coupon. Ridiculous. It wears me out. And actually, let's go ahead and add that lady in front of me to the conspiracy because I know she looks at me and decides at that very minute that she is going to either try to swipe a credit card that is so old the machine won't read it or she's going to pay for her entire grocery bill in coins. This process can be especially fun to watch, considering she doesn't have a coin pouch or anything. Oh no, this lady will plop her large purse onto that small area where you used to write your checks (y'all know what I'm talking about, so don't act like you don't) and dig around for that 78 cents that she has come up short on. She will keep pointing out to the cashier that she just KNOWS she's got 78 cents somewhere. After five minutes of being shoulder-deep in this luggage of a purse, she finally comes up with the change. By this point, everyone in line except for me has moved on and has now exited the building. I swear, if it were not for those elderly Wal-Mart greeters, I'd leave mad every time. Thank God for them.
So what can we take away from today's post? Never come over to Brooke and Mandy's house unannounced if you're planning on having something substantial or made from scratch without informing them well in advance, and NEVER go grocery shopping with me. For I am the world's worst at getting in and getting out in a timely manner.
If anyone would like to brave the black hole that is the grocery store, I'll be going to restock the Easy Mac, milk, and Lean Cuisines. See you there. Happy Shopping!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Just a Smile
Today started off just like any other Friday. Got up and got ready for work at 10:00 am. Fridays are the busiest days of the week for our office. Everybody wants to come visit campus and spend the weekend in our great town. I would like to publicly thank our administrators for allowing us to participate in "casual Maroon Fridays." It really establishes good rapport with our staff if we get to wear t-shirts, jeans, and tennis shoes to the office. Anyways, back to my day. So I get to work and immediately begin to interact with families and obey the commands of the office. One of my errands this morning was to fill up a van with gas.
Because of our lovely Fuelman system, this takes place at the Shell station right beside the roundabout in Starkville. This gas station has the WORST parking lot in the history of parking lots. If you've ever been there, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a wonder that cars don't bottom out everyday just from going over the gas lines and potholes. I would also like to note that the Starkvillians that find themselves using this establishment have found new and innovative ways of fitting cars into that lot. There is room for no more than 12 vehicles at one time, but I swear that I've seen upwards of 20 vehicles there at once. I'm still amazed that I've never been in an accident. The Lord is good. Ok, sorry, yet again, for the side note. Back to the point. So I'm filling up the fan with gas and OF COURSE the receipt machine is out of paper. So into the store I go. Only for a receipt. That's it. I am the third person in line behind a mother and daughter who are buying everything under the sun from the "deli".
Fun fact: did you know the Shell only sells fried chicken gizzards by the half dozen? That poor girl only wanted three, but ended up with six for a whopping $2.49. (This was on top of 2 chicken thighs, a pizza stick, and a few "Jo-Jo" potatoes.)
So the daughter finally pays for the food and her gas and promptly returns to the vehicle. Now it's the mama's turn. This woman had to have been over 65 years old. She followed suit and ordered a breast and thigh combo, a carton of Kool 100's, and a bottle of water. She chatted with the cashier for a few minutes about how she was so thankful she wasn't having to walk without her cane. Nearly 10 minutes have passed since I entered the store. Still haven't gotten to ask for my receipt. So LaTonya behind the counter finally asks me what I would like. I request my receipt. The older woman turns around and says "Oh baby I am so sorry. If I knew that's all you wanted I would have let you done been on your way." I pat her on the shoulder and assure her that I'm in no hurry. We exchange smiles and she begins her slow progression to the exit.
By the time I receive my receipt and head back to the van, I have caught up with her at the gas pump where we are both parked. She notices that I'm driving the MSU vehicle and immediately strikes up a conversation about her friend from church who works at MSU and loves her job and loves clowns and has the best time and how the friend loves this woman's paintings that she does. I compliment her on her artistic abilities and encourage her to keep painting. I point out that I wish I was creative enough to do that. We say our good-byes (or so I thought) and I head to my car. I haven't even put the key in the ignition before this crazy old woman is knocking on my window. So what do I do? Roll it down, of course. She hands me a stack of cards made out of canvas paper. Each one has a different scene or landscape painted onto it. The beach, a sunset, a field, and my personal favorite, a waterfall scene. She has brought her artwork to my window, and I couldn't have been more happy to dote on her obvious talent. After pointing out my favorites, she extends her precious hand and says, "My name is Nessie Thomas. I feed off of good spirits and vibes, and you are just radiating such a sweet spirit. Your smile has been a blessing on my morning." I introduce myself and compliment her character. I roll the window up, wave her goodbye, and put the van into motion.
It is unbelievable how, during a span of no more than 20 minutes, my day was made by this elderly woman at the Shell station. I may have given her a smile, but she gave me much more in return. Thought for the Day: Don't be afraid to give someone a smile, because you never know what they may give you in return.
Because of our lovely Fuelman system, this takes place at the Shell station right beside the roundabout in Starkville. This gas station has the WORST parking lot in the history of parking lots. If you've ever been there, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a wonder that cars don't bottom out everyday just from going over the gas lines and potholes. I would also like to note that the Starkvillians that find themselves using this establishment have found new and innovative ways of fitting cars into that lot. There is room for no more than 12 vehicles at one time, but I swear that I've seen upwards of 20 vehicles there at once. I'm still amazed that I've never been in an accident. The Lord is good. Ok, sorry, yet again, for the side note. Back to the point. So I'm filling up the fan with gas and OF COURSE the receipt machine is out of paper. So into the store I go. Only for a receipt. That's it. I am the third person in line behind a mother and daughter who are buying everything under the sun from the "deli".
Fun fact: did you know the Shell only sells fried chicken gizzards by the half dozen? That poor girl only wanted three, but ended up with six for a whopping $2.49. (This was on top of 2 chicken thighs, a pizza stick, and a few "Jo-Jo" potatoes.)
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The "Deli" aka The Sea of All-Things-Fried |
So the daughter finally pays for the food and her gas and promptly returns to the vehicle. Now it's the mama's turn. This woman had to have been over 65 years old. She followed suit and ordered a breast and thigh combo, a carton of Kool 100's, and a bottle of water. She chatted with the cashier for a few minutes about how she was so thankful she wasn't having to walk without her cane. Nearly 10 minutes have passed since I entered the store. Still haven't gotten to ask for my receipt. So LaTonya behind the counter finally asks me what I would like. I request my receipt. The older woman turns around and says "Oh baby I am so sorry. If I knew that's all you wanted I would have let you done been on your way." I pat her on the shoulder and assure her that I'm in no hurry. We exchange smiles and she begins her slow progression to the exit.
By the time I receive my receipt and head back to the van, I have caught up with her at the gas pump where we are both parked. She notices that I'm driving the MSU vehicle and immediately strikes up a conversation about her friend from church who works at MSU and loves her job and loves clowns and has the best time and how the friend loves this woman's paintings that she does. I compliment her on her artistic abilities and encourage her to keep painting. I point out that I wish I was creative enough to do that. We say our good-byes (or so I thought) and I head to my car. I haven't even put the key in the ignition before this crazy old woman is knocking on my window. So what do I do? Roll it down, of course. She hands me a stack of cards made out of canvas paper. Each one has a different scene or landscape painted onto it. The beach, a sunset, a field, and my personal favorite, a waterfall scene. She has brought her artwork to my window, and I couldn't have been more happy to dote on her obvious talent. After pointing out my favorites, she extends her precious hand and says, "My name is Nessie Thomas. I feed off of good spirits and vibes, and you are just radiating such a sweet spirit. Your smile has been a blessing on my morning." I introduce myself and compliment her character. I roll the window up, wave her goodbye, and put the van into motion.
It is unbelievable how, during a span of no more than 20 minutes, my day was made by this elderly woman at the Shell station. I may have given her a smile, but she gave me much more in return. Thought for the Day: Don't be afraid to give someone a smile, because you never know what they may give you in return.
As I say to our Road Runners in the office: "Be good people. Do good things."
Thursday, February 23, 2012
On the Road Again
So as Graduate Assistants in the Office of Admissions at MSU, there are days when we are asked to cover college fairs and private visits at high schools and community colleges around the state. Today's travels found me and my coworker, Drew, in the booming metropolis of Blue Springs. Home of the new Toyota Plant and the East Union Urchins (for clarification, the Urchin is their actual mascot). Today's college and career fair was from 8:30am-11:00am.
Yes, we took turns taking each other's picture at the table. Don't hate. Drew and I were lucky to have Megan, our friend and the MUW recruiter right beside us. She made for great company.
Nothing says "official" like a business card. If anyone wants one, I have an over abundance of them. Quite literally, I have 1,000 or more. The problem is, I don't know that many people. Help a sister out. Save a tree. Actually, the tree has already been used for the cards, so maybe I should say "put a tree to good use".
Best part of traveling across the state? The music selection for the drive. Nothing helps you pass an hour or more like the "A Whole New World" station on Pandora. Singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs made the drive seem like nothing...and I'm sure Drew was amused. He drove home, and I played DJ. Doesn't this make everybody want to drive for extended periods of time with me as the copilot?
Best song from the Disney station? A classic from Mary Poppins. What made my day better? The fact that Drew also knew some of the words.
This song, combined with a humorous text message resulted in a spurt of uncontrollable laughter. Watch and enjoy, my friends. Watch and enjoy.
If this didn't make you smile, then I'm sorry for wasting your time. I hope this makes you all insanely jealous of my job. Just an extra special glimpse into my life. You're welcome.
Yes, we took turns taking each other's picture at the table. Don't hate. Drew and I were lucky to have Megan, our friend and the MUW recruiter right beside us. She made for great company.
Drew spent half the morning encouraging the male students to talk to Megan. Apparently the "MS University for Women" intimidated them; even though we reminded them that the odds were in their favor. Megan is such a trooper.
Best part of traveling across the state? The music selection for the drive. Nothing helps you pass an hour or more like the "A Whole New World" station on Pandora. Singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs made the drive seem like nothing...and I'm sure Drew was amused. He drove home, and I played DJ. Doesn't this make everybody want to drive for extended periods of time with me as the copilot?
Best song from the Disney station? A classic from Mary Poppins. What made my day better? The fact that Drew also knew some of the words.
This song, combined with a humorous text message resulted in a spurt of uncontrollable laughter. Watch and enjoy, my friends. Watch and enjoy.
If this didn't make you smile, then I'm sorry for wasting your time. I hope this makes you all insanely jealous of my job. Just an extra special glimpse into my life. You're welcome.
The Never-Ending Wedding Season
I have come to realize that, beginning at age 22, wedding season has been in full swing. I am now 24 and there have been weddings to attend at least every other month. I'm not complaining. I LOVE weddings! I love everything that goes into preparing for a wedding. The showers, the bachelorette parties, the rehearsal dinners (complete with speeches, of course). But my favorite part of a wedding? THE RECEPTION.
I guarantee each of you that if you had the friends that I have, you would love a wedding reception too. It used to be that sorority functions such as date parties and formals were our excuse to act foolish. Not anymore. Now, we can blame it on weddings. My friends and I like to pretend that we aren't 24-30 years of age and that for one night, surrounded by people that we hardly know, we can act like idiotic morons. Redundant, I know, but so true.
Need evidence of what a "good time" looks like to me? No problem. Just look below.
If college taught me one thing, it was how to enjoy myself when it's time to celebrate. Let's face it, the college years are the best years of our lives. We get to act as foolish as we want for 4ish years before going out into the "grown-up world" where we can only act foolish one weekend every other month on someone else's dime. Free food and beverages helps...especially if you want the men to dance, this I know. For me, all I need to have a good time is a dance floor and a few good laughs. For all of you out there who are thinking of inviting me to your wedding, I look forward to the invitations. I would appreciate it if more people would magnetize their save-the-dates...I'm running out of my own because my refrigerator is COVERED. How popular I am. *sighs* A word of warning to those planning to invite me to their "big day"...be prepared for the dance floor to be occupied the entire night. I have no shame in being the first one out there and the last one to leave. If the band needs a new lead singer, I'm there. If the bartender leaves their shift before the reception is done, no worries...I've had dates who have manned the bar tending station. Ah yes, good times. Need someone to volunteer to compete in a dance-off of the "Funky Chicken"? I'm a pro. And at the end of it all, if you need someone to rally the troops to head to the after party, I'm a seasoned veteran.
I leave you with these words as I wrap up this post:
"College is a place to keep warm between high school and marriage"
I guarantee each of you that if you had the friends that I have, you would love a wedding reception too. It used to be that sorority functions such as date parties and formals were our excuse to act foolish. Not anymore. Now, we can blame it on weddings. My friends and I like to pretend that we aren't 24-30 years of age and that for one night, surrounded by people that we hardly know, we can act like idiotic morons. Redundant, I know, but so true.
Need evidence of what a "good time" looks like to me? No problem. Just look below.
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McMahon/Grant Wedding- Oct. 2011 |
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Thompson/Wright Wedding-Jan. 2012 |
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This is actually from an engagement party, but we act just as foolish at those. |
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Bell/Martin Wedding-Feb. 2011 |
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Smith/Walker Wedding-Dec. 2011 |
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Dance Competition: McMahon/Grant Wedding |
I leave you with these words as I wrap up this post:
"College is a place to keep warm between high school and marriage"
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 1: Newbie Blogger
You know, I never thought I would start blogging. I was never the type to document events in my life outside of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I have Facebook to 1) maintain a plethora of pictures from my high school career through college, 2) indirectly keep up with anyone I have met since 2006, and 3) stay abreast of news and gossip. I have Twitter to 1) serve as a replacement for local, state, and national news since I don't have cable, 2) vicariously live through celebrities and their craziness, and 3) know the thoughts and opinions of my friends and followers every second of every day. I have Instagram to share my life in pictures...simple as that. So here I sit...wanting to merge all of these wonderful social networks together. Why not create a blog and post my thoughts, opinions, pictures, and everyday concerns?
So with my first blog, I apologize for being a complete newbie. It will take some time for me to get this page looking exactly the way I want it to. Anyways, with that long intro, let's get to the meat of this post: my mini-bio.
I am currently in my second year of graduate school at Mississippi State University. If you saw the title of this blog, you may be wondering why my college career is "never-ending". Well...here's why. I am majoring in Student Affairs in Higher Education. No, I will not be having affairs with students. No, I will not be teaching college courses. YES, I will be on a college campus the rest of my life; hence, the "never-ending college life". Today I find myself straddling the fence between student and professional. I am looking into positions here on the MSU campus that will allow me to continue on my grad school journey while working full-time at the professional level. Fingers crossed that things work out. God has a plan, this I know, and I am anxious to see what the next week holds!
Thanks to a little Facebook stalking on my part today, I stumbled upon this picture that depicts my future career path as a Student Affairs Professional. Exciting times!
So with my first blog, I apologize for being a complete newbie. It will take some time for me to get this page looking exactly the way I want it to. Anyways, with that long intro, let's get to the meat of this post: my mini-bio.
I am currently in my second year of graduate school at Mississippi State University. If you saw the title of this blog, you may be wondering why my college career is "never-ending". Well...here's why. I am majoring in Student Affairs in Higher Education. No, I will not be having affairs with students. No, I will not be teaching college courses. YES, I will be on a college campus the rest of my life; hence, the "never-ending college life". Today I find myself straddling the fence between student and professional. I am looking into positions here on the MSU campus that will allow me to continue on my grad school journey while working full-time at the professional level. Fingers crossed that things work out. God has a plan, this I know, and I am anxious to see what the next week holds!
Thanks to a little Facebook stalking on my part today, I stumbled upon this picture that depicts my future career path as a Student Affairs Professional. Exciting times!
I leave you these words as I wrap up this post:
"Life is my college, and college is my life".
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