So with my first blog, I apologize for being a complete newbie. It will take some time for me to get this page looking exactly the way I want it to. Anyways, with that long intro, let's get to the meat of this post: my mini-bio.
I am currently in my second year of graduate school at Mississippi State University. If you saw the title of this blog, you may be wondering why my college career is "never-ending".'s why. I am majoring in Student Affairs in Higher Education. No, I will not be having affairs with students. No, I will not be teaching college courses. YES, I will be on a college campus the rest of my life; hence, the "never-ending college life". Today I find myself straddling the fence between student and professional. I am looking into positions here on the MSU campus that will allow me to continue on my grad school journey while working full-time at the professional level. Fingers crossed that things work out. God has a plan, this I know, and I am anxious to see what the next week holds!
Thanks to a little Facebook stalking on my part today, I stumbled upon this picture that depicts my future career path as a Student Affairs Professional. Exciting times!
I leave you these words as I wrap up this post:
"Life is my college, and college is my life".
LOVELOVE. keep the posts coming please ma'am!