Yes, we took turns taking each other's picture at the table. Don't hate. Drew and I were lucky to have Megan, our friend and the MUW recruiter right beside us. She made for great company.
Drew spent half the morning encouraging the male students to talk to Megan. Apparently the "MS University for Women" intimidated them; even though we reminded them that the odds were in their favor. Megan is such a trooper.
Best part of traveling across the state? The music selection for the drive. Nothing helps you pass an hour or more like the "A Whole New World" station on Pandora. Singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs made the drive seem like nothing...and I'm sure Drew was amused. He drove home, and I played DJ. Doesn't this make everybody want to drive for extended periods of time with me as the copilot?
Best song from the Disney station? A classic from Mary Poppins. What made my day better? The fact that Drew also knew some of the words.
This song, combined with a humorous text message resulted in a spurt of uncontrollable laughter. Watch and enjoy, my friends. Watch and enjoy.
If this didn't make you smile, then I'm sorry for wasting your time. I hope this makes you all insanely jealous of my job. Just an extra special glimpse into my life. You're welcome.
Brooke, this fit of laughter just scared the bejezees out of my little dog. Which made me laugh. Aw, I miss you. Jealous of your job. Hugs and Bye. -Alayne