Today was the first day back on the grind now that Spring Break has come to an end. I spent the morning at East Mississippi Community College (Mayhew Campus) recruiting potential students and answering any questions about MSU that they may have had. Our office called today "Community College Blitz". Nearly every Admissions Counselor was stationed at a different community college around the state. EMCC, Northeast, Holmes-Goodman, etc. If you have never spent 3 hours of your day posted up in the hall of an educational institution, I highly recommend it. Just don't do like I did and set up your table by the boy's bathroom. P U. Foul. Needless to say, I learned my lesson.
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After my joyous morning of recruiting/working on my Legal Issues midterm, it was off to lunch at the Veranda. Nothing makes my day better than leaving campus at lunchtime. It breaks up the day. You get a mental break from the crazy world and get to enjoy good food and the company of someone else non-work-related. If anybody needs a lunch date this week, I'm available at noon everyday. Just saying...
At 1:00pm I promptly returned to the office to begin answering the remaining 15 e-mails that I couldn't answer while at EMCC-Mayhew. I knocked those out pretty quickly and was able to catch back up on my work. I spent the last hour of my day shadowing Admissions Counselors during their meetings with families. It's amazing how much I don't know, but it's equally amazing at the amount of random information that I can spit out at any given time. How many Vet schools are there in the nation? 28. What percentage of campus is Greek? Around 18%. Where can I look up possible classes to take? BOOM. I could keep going and going and going, but what's the point. You get the gist.
After my long, but eventful day recruiting, I turned in my midterm, returned to my apartment and FINALLY unpacked from the break. I had 5 bags to unpack and one of them was my big suitcase that weighed a whopping 50.0 lbs. How do I know this? It was weighed at the airport. Shameful. Since y'all know by now how I like to dote on myself when it comes to housekeeping, it will come as no surprise to you that I am about to brag for a second. I cleaned upstairs, downstairs, the kitchen, and placed dirty clothes in the laundry room. I even vacuumed AND cloroxed my bathroom (so long nail polish that I just put on my fingernails yesterday). I'm becoming quite domestic. Should make somebody a pretty good wife in 100 years when I'm ready to get married.
So those were all of the highs of the day. The low of the day? Well, I got diagnosed with Shingles yesterday so that's been zero fun to deal with. Especially since it is around my eye. I'm looking super hot these days. I'm sure I'll have gentlemen callers coming my way in fleets and flocks. I better get the stick out to be ready to knock them back.
What I'm looking forward to this week: movie night, MSU v. Arkansas baseball game Friday night, and a bridal shower for Angela Aldridge on Saturday in Jackson. This is will such a fun reunion with my long lost friends who are off in the real world being amazing people and doing amazing things. I am so excited to be in their presence as we help celebrate Angela's future marriage! (Y'all know how I LOVE wedding season, and if you don't, it's ok. Just go back and read one of my earlier posts. You'll understand after that.)
I hope you all have a Terrific Tuesday after this Manic Monday. I know I will!
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