Monday, March 5, 2012

What I Learned Today

Today I learned several things.

1) I truly do have the best friends/support system in the entire world.

2) I have no idea what God has in store for me, but it's high time I trusted Him.

3) Opportunities will continue to come my way in some form or fashion.

It was a Manic Monday to say the very least. Filled with emotion. After a wait that seemed to go on forever, I found out that I was not entering the professional world of Student Affairs as quickly as I thought I was. I am honored to have been considered for this possible step, and I will take all of the knowledge and practice that I have gained throughout this entire experience with me for the future. However, to say that I wasn't a little disappointed would do you, my readers, an injustice. I was. I'm human. Isn't it normal to emotionally connect with situations that we are presented with? Isn't it normal to put 110% into every situation that we are given in life? Isn't it normal to be passionate about future plans? Yes. It is. And I am happy to say that I have no regrets from the entire experience.

I remember the disappointments that I had faced up until this point. In high school basketball, my starting position was taken away from me after an ankle injury. I was devastated. But do you know what I did? Worked my tail off and eventually got some quality playing time after the first month of games. I still got to participate in district games and play-offs and became more appreciative of the sport and my team after rallying back from an injury that kept me out of the game for the entire pre-season.

It's too bad you can't see my awesome ankle brace. I was a hottie.

During my undergraduate career I decided to try out for Alumni Delegates. After 2 times of going through the process and coming out unsuccessful, I bit the bullet and tried out the last possible year that I could. I made it, and I appreciated the organization a lot more because of how hard I had tried to get into it.

Channeling our inner Pernell McPhee

And now it's my graduate career and I decided to apply for a most para-professionals do. I was fortunate enough to be called back to both rounds of interviews, but at the end of the day it wasn't meant to be. Much like I have done in my high school and undergraduate careers, I will rise to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. If it takes trying out 3 times for the same position or "watching the game from the bench" only to finally get my name called to go in and WILL happen. I can rest assured of that. I am looking forward to what my post-graduate career holds for me. I'm sure one day there'll be another blog post that is stating how excited I am to finally get that job that I've always wanted. And when that day comes, I will be one happy happy Student Affairs Professional.

Home Sweet Home
I hope that all of you are setting goals for yourselves. Otherwise, what is there to live for? We must have something that keeps us passionate and motivated to be the people we always knew we would be. We must be able to look back and say "Gosh, look at everything I overcame to get where I am today." There are no "hand-outs" in the world today. No silver spoons. Yes, some of us are pursuing a path set forth by our families, but even then we can make that path what we want it to be. Each of us has the power to control our own lives. So what will you make of yours? Stay uplifted. Stay positive. Stay motivated. Dream BIG.


1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational -BC! Thanks for the motivation! R - O - C - K! You Rock! You Rock!!
