So in true procrastinator fashion, I have found 100 other things to do besides clean and pack. I mean, I'm going on a week-long venture so first things first: I had to update my iPhone. New tunes for the road. After the iPhone was updated, I had to make a list of things to pack. To those of you who are not procrastinators, you may think of lists as ways to get organized. Well, if you were like me, you'd realize that making a list is just another means of procrastination. It keeps you away from the actual task, but makes you look semi-productive. I will often find myself doing meaningless tasks like this at work. Making me look super productive when in reality I'm just taking the long way around something. Y'all know what I'm talking about, right? Like when your coworkers or boss walks by and you stare really hard at the screen with that face that poses concern. Your coworker or boss automatically assumes you are working on something really important when, in fact, you are trying to figure out why your Facebook status won't update correctly or why that picture won't attach to your tweet you're composing or you're glancing at that girl's engagement ring trying to figure out how many carats it could possibly be. I'm a pro at this. This doesn't mean I'm not hardworking, because I am, but during those mental breaks that are so often needed, I have a way of looking really busy while trying to get away from work.
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"The Look" |
So now that we're all on the same page about how to look productive without actually accomplishing anything, let me now explain what I am currently doing. I have made a packing list, I have charged my phone (which is irrelevant because I will have to do that again later, but whateverrrr), I have placed my bundlesome suitcase upstairs (if any kind soul wants to help me carry it back downstairs, I'd be most appreciative), I have thrown a pile of clean clothes from my bed to the floor...again, and I have listened to the entire Adele album. I am so impressed with myself. NOT.
But do you know what I am impressed with? My boss. Today he offered me and one of my fellow Graduate Assistants an opportunity for more professional development. We will both assume more office responsibilities and will have the privilege of working more closely with the Admissions Counselors in addition to our campus visit coordinating tasks. I am so looking forward to assuming this role and I am now a firm believer of the saying "When God closes a door, He opens a window". I truly believe this is my open window. My sweet daddy texted me to tell me that "clouds may come just as you are beginning to enjoy the blue sky, but rainbows come after the storm." He is so right. I am going to enjoy this rainbow and look forward to the blue skies that are sure to come.
When I read the part about "the look" I died laughing. I think I've seriously worked hard at perfecting that over the past few months. People are always walking by and I'm either staring hard at twitter, Facebook or blogs OR making lists of things I know will never in a million years be done all while having this perplexed, thinking hard expression. It takes serious practice.